Modular design course - days 7 and 8

Permaculture Design Course days 7 and 8

Day 7  Forests and woodlands
  • Trees and forests – energy transactions, photosynthesis -  forests and rainfall - light and heat - trees and wind - planting strategies and patterns: shelterbelt and hedges
  • Design, systems and pattern - design as a system - entity and relationship mapping - thinking and working at scale
  • Cultivating in climate zones - creating microclimate - food forests


  • Branching patterns - observation – range and function - transfer systems – orders of form in rivers and sand dunes
  • Woodland and cultivation – in tropics and in temperate climates – nitrogen fixers – food crops - planting patterns -  sylvan polycultures  - forest garden as a pattern - management, nutrient cycling, mulch  and composting, Jean Pain method, Hugel mounds
  • Patterns - succession and stacking  
Day 8  Design and aquaculture systems
  • Aquaculture – systems and strategies - natural wetland eco-systems chinampas and waru waru - hydroponics and intensive systems
  • Design – random assembly – options and decisions – overlays and exclusion method - design methods summary – purpose and function - emergence, growth and feedback loops - networks and cells
  • Climate – climate and house design - cultivating across climate zones


  • Ponds and lakes - functions and yields - ecologies  - nitrogen cycle - Next |  Previous | Back to list of mudules by day | Back to "Modular course dates" eutrophication - oxygen BOD and COD - thermoclines - strategies and construction - edge, chinampas
  • Aquaculture 2 - fish farming and aquaponics
  • Natural wastewater treatment – living systems – domestic – industrial/remedial

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