Paula Moses

Paula is a primary school teacher and former headteacher, with experience of leading primary schools in Manchester and Tameside. She has left full time work to carry out a PhD into the primary curriculum at the University of Cumbria and also to learn about permaculture. Her main interests in permaculture principles and ethics, how they can influence the way we live our lives and permeate all of our interactions and relationships. She hopes to run courses for children in permaculture in the future.


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Paula graduated from the Bury PDC in January 2020. She is a primary school teacher and former headteacher, with experience of leading primary schools in Manchester and Tameside. She has left full time work to carry out a PhD into the primary curriculum at the University of Cumbria and also to learn about permaculture. Her main interests in permaculture principles and ethics, how they can influence the way we live our lives and permeate all of our interactions and relationships. She hopes to run courses for children in permaculture in the future.

Paula is a keen gardener of perennial flowers and trees and is currently developing a one acre plot just outside Manchester - with the hope that this could become a forest garden and healing space for learning about permaculture. She is also a Sapere accredited trainer in Philosophy for Children and accredited by Dialogues to deliver A-Z Thinking Moves training in metacognition - if we can think about how we think and how we listen to each other we might learn something! 



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