
By admin, 21 March, 2022

Monday 06 April 2026 Friday 01 May 2026 [node:field_short_event_date_s_:2]

Delivering the Northern School permaculture design course

Event summary (to be edited).

When: Sunday 02 April 2023 10:00

Day 2: Monday 06 April 2026 

Day 3: Friday 01 May 2026 

Day 4: [node:field_short_event_date_s_:2] 

Where: Manchester Road Community Centre

Led by Angus Soutar and team.

Info about the event (to be edited)

Book a place on this event

Bookings for this event will go through our partner CommEnt CIC and your payment for the event will be processed at their secure account with Stripe Checkout.

Book and pay now



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By admin, 18 March, 2022

Monday 10 November 2025 Friday 12 December 2025 [node:field_short_event_date_s_:2]

permaculture summerhouse

This is the summary for the short event.

When: Sunday 01 October 2023 10:00

Day 2:  Monday 10 November 2025 
Day 3:  Friday 12 December 2025 
Day 4:  [node:field_short_event_date_s_:2]

Where: Warland Farm

Led by Angus Soutar and team

This is some info about the short event

Book a place on this event

Bookings for this event will go through our partner CommEnt CIC and your payment for the event will be processed at their secure account with Stripe Checkout.

Book and pay now



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